Thursday 5 July 2007

Lewisham Blogger Influence

This will be interesting!

Hazel Blears is to announce the right of residents in 10 key areas of the country to directly influence council spending through ballots according to the Guardian

"Voters will be given powers to decide how ten of millions of pounds should be spent in their neighbourhood under radical plans being unveiled today."

... and guess what. In at number 3 on the list is our very own Lewisham.

It also says:

"She said she may introduce new powers that will give people the right to petition councils. They would then be under an obligation to consider it. She hinted strongly that even these measures were not radical enough."

Now who on Earth (or at least Lewisham) might be at all interested in helping to tell the council where to spend more money? I believe I can easily think of a few.

Time for Lewisham bloggers to "unite" for influence?!

(interesting that as I write this my radio is playing "Anarchy in the UK"!!)

UPDATE: Andrew has already posted more detail on the same subject in a much more eloquent fashion!


kate said...

Great post ;-)

Andrew Brown said...

If we can't unit on what we'd like money to go on perhaps we can help improve the policy discussion.